Regional Data Center 2018-2022 Means of Transportation to Work (Full Table)
GeoIDNameMeans of Transportation to Work - Total (Numeric) Means of Transportation to Work - Total Car, truck, or vanMeans of Transportation to Work - Drove alone Means of Transportation to Work - CarpooledMeans of Transportation to Work - In 2-person carpool Means of Transportation to Work - In 3-person carpool Means of Transportation to Work - In 4-person carpool Means of Transportation to Work - In 5- or 6-person carpool Means of Transportation to Work - In 7-or-more-person carpool Means of Transportation to Work - Total Public transportation (excluding taxicab)Means of Transportation to Work - BusMeans of Transportation to Work - Subway or elevated railMeans of Transportation to Work - Long-distance or commuter railMeans of Transportation to Work - Light rail, streetcar, or trolleyMeans of Transportation to Work - Ferryboat Means of Transportation to Work - Taxicab Means of Transportation to Work - Motorcycle Means of Transportation to Work - Bicycle Means of Transportation to Work - Walked Means of Transportation to Work - Other means Means of Transportation to Work - Worked at home
01000USUnited States156,703,623125,702,784112,314,702 13,388,082 10,028,648 1,986,667 762,409 397,438 212,920 5,945,723 2,822,406 2,284,420 637,649 137,101 64,147 347,589 199,858 722,251 3,807,792 1,660,941 18,316,685
04000US42Pennsylvania 6,200,303 4,889,215 4,409,690 479,525 373,571 60,328 24,321 12,961 8,344 266,593 172,384 45,235 38,899 9,581 494 10,849 4,953 26,271 205,475 62,881 734,066
04000US42SPCSPC Region 1,240,459 978,633 889,631 89,002 73,519 9,152 3,305 1,599 1,427 48,161 43,174 1,967 122 2,727 171 1,069 1,225 2,687 38,668 10,332 159,684
32000US4238300Pittsburgh, PA Metro Area 1,153,032 902,968 821,253 81,715 67,808 8,352 2,942 1,357 1,256 47,827 42,840 1,967 122 2,727 171 1,057 1,152 2,544 35,208 9,619 152,657