Regional Data Center 2018-2022 Means of Transportation to Work (Full Table)
GeoIDNameMeans of Transportation to Work - Total (Numeric) Means of Transportation to Work - Total Car, truck, or vanMeans of Transportation to Work - Drove alone Means of Transportation to Work - CarpooledMeans of Transportation to Work - In 2-person carpool Means of Transportation to Work - In 3-person carpool Means of Transportation to Work - In 4-person carpool Means of Transportation to Work - In 5- or 6-person carpool Means of Transportation to Work - In 7-or-more-person carpool Means of Transportation to Work - Total Public transportation (excluding taxicab)Means of Transportation to Work - BusMeans of Transportation to Work - Subway or elevated railMeans of Transportation to Work - Long-distance or commuter railMeans of Transportation to Work - Light rail, streetcar, or trolleyMeans of Transportation to Work - Ferryboat Means of Transportation to Work - Taxicab Means of Transportation to Work - Motorcycle Means of Transportation to Work - Bicycle Means of Transportation to Work - Walked Means of Transportation to Work - Other means Means of Transportation to Work - Worked at home
627,652 451,795 407,968 43,827 36,696 4,310 1,490 703 628 43,098 38,653 1,844 102 2,423 76 788 564 2,367 24,318 5,514 99,208
29,788 26,595 23,688 2,907 2,292 400 147 48 20 88 80 0 0 8 0 0 33 17 695 249 2,111
78,748 67,170 61,181 5,989 4,949 685 87 164 104 1,244 1,204 13 0 0 27 62 72 67 1,664 779 7,690
94,590 80,022 73,720 6,302 5,473 461 214 66 88 394 394 0 0 0 0 2 33 26 2,293 734 11,086
53,239 47,788 43,397 4,391 3,369 633 205 130 54 640 630 10 0 0 0 0 61 29 877 689 3,155
13,771 12,399 11,351 1,048 918 90 22 17 1 33 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 352 232 753
35,567 30,257 27,354 2,903 2,102 329 242 93 137 86 86 0 0 0 0 4 42 99 2,255 270 2,554
38,089 33,009 29,673 3,336 2,691 381 99 132 33 215 215 0 0 0 0 8 31 42 853 211 3,720
100,001 83,583 76,735 6,848 5,679 715 228 91 135 977 611 50 20 296 0 159 247 17 2,332 639 12,047
169,014 146,015 134,564 11,451 9,350 1,148 571 155 227 1,386 1,268 50 0 0 68 46 142 21 3,029 1,015 17,360
04000US42SPCSPC Region 1,240,459 978,633 889,631 89,002 73,519 9,152 3,305 1,599 1,427 48,161 43,174 1,967 122 2,727 171 1,069 1,225 2,687 38,668 10,332 159,684